
Meet Els. Her ethnicity is Irish/Dutch, she works as a rug/fabric artist, and in the service industry. Her hobbies include cooking, rock climbing, and listening to music. Time with friends is always a must and can be spent dancing, going to concerts, and occasionally getting gussied up to go to a fancy restaurant. A recent obsession is oysters, but she loves anything their friends cook as well. Friends would say she’s a softie with sharp wit and big sister vibes. Her favourite place is either her peaceful apartment or the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands : a place she lived just shy of a year. In the future she would love to learn ASL, collaborate with other visual artists, and complete her Masters of Counselling.


(Updated on)
All photos are not retouched and taken in natural light.
(Updated on)
All photos are not retouched and taken in natural light.
Hand Modelling