
Meet Mckenna. She is ethnically Norwegian, was born in White Rock, and owns two perfect little brother cats, Ronnie & Harry. Thrifting is her go-to year-round activity and she loves to find new places to swim in the summer. She enjoys doing the little things in life with great company and prides herself on being the advice friend, the one you can always count on to say the right thing. Her friends are also her biggest inspirations, providing a constant source of energy and vest for life. A recent guilty pleasure is watching reality TV, she loves bad movies, and her favourite food is margherita pizza with a side of chili oil and caesar dip – an absolute must! In the future, she hopes to have a welcoming home perfect for hosting big family gatherings and dinners with friends.
(Updated on)
All photos are not retouched and taken in natural light.
(Updated on)
All photos are not retouched and taken in natural light.
Hand Modelling